Re-Elect Chuck Huffer


Director, Conejo Recreation & Park District (CRPD)

General Election to be held November 3, 2020

Precinct Walkers needed!


Why should you vote for me as a Director on the CRPD Board?
I have 8 years successful experience as a Director for CRPD.  In 2016 and again in 2019 I was unanimously elected Board Chair by my fellow Board members.

I continue to be passionate about the important role parks and recreational activities play in the lives of our children and grandchildren … and ourselves.

I am a retired financial professional, with the skills necessary to guide the CRPD through this era of shrinking local revenues and ongoing expenses.

I will continue to bring a fresh perspective to the CRPD Board, the perspective of a 40 year resident of Thousand Oaks who has raised a family and been an active contributor to our community for years.  Someone just like you!

I am not a professional politician!  This is only the 4th time that I have run for elective office ... the same office I sought 10 years ago and was elected to 8 years ago.  And I have no interest, now or in the future, in any office other than CRPD Director.

Click here for more details about each of these reasons.
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Take action!   You can help my grass-roots campaign!

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Campaign Contributions are welcome!

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Get to know Chuck Huffer
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Do you have a question about a particular issue regarding our local parks or recreational activities?
Send me an e-mail and I promise to respond!
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Copyright ©2020: Charles B. Huffer
Last modified: July 16, 2020